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Again this year, Cherry Capital Cycling Club is sponsoring SheBikes! SheBikes is a series of 6 weekly rides for beginning and intermediate women road and mountain cyclists from mid-May to the end of June. This ever-popular program, now in it’s 17th year of fun has multiple goals not only to ride various routes on Old Mission Peninsula and/or the VASA Single Track, but also: 1) to ride enjoyably and safely in small groups, and 2) to prepare participants for further fun with CCCC rides that are scheduled almost daily throughout the riding season. SheBikes is provided free of charge to the women of the club and for a $10.00 fee to those who are non-members. Each class size is limited to 15 students.


Club Ride Leaders will review rules of the road, and other topics just prior to each ride; for example: how to fix a flat tire and basic bike maintenance, and how to use the CCCC SheBikes club account in Strava. Further specifics as they pertain to cycling will be emphasized at each session.


Monday, May 12, 6 - 7pm

A SheBikes organizational meeting in the parking lot off the lower level at McLains Cycle on 8th St. Please bring something to sit on and dress for the weather. If it’s nasty, we will reschedule!


 Rides will start Monday, May 19 (Road and Hybrid Bikes) AND on Thursday, May 22 (Mountain Bikes), and will be posted on the Calendar on the Club’s website (see links below to register). Road Rides meet in the Parking lot by the pines at Traverse City Central High School, at the corner of Eastern & Milliken. Mountain Bike Rides will meet at the VASA Single Track Parking Lot on Supply Rd. just past the big power line, north side of the road. Roll out starts at 6 p.m. from both sites, so please show up early to sign in, get your gear ready and break into smaller groups for the rides. Provided we can get a few more Ride Leaders, we’d like to continue SheBikes throughout the biking season, so think about how much FUN that would be!!


In addition to your bike - either road or hybrid for the Road Riders; either mountain or fat tire for the Single Track Riders - bring your helmet, which is required on all CCCC rides, a water bottle and be sure to dress for the weather! Leave your ear buds behind.


Any questions about the rides can be directed to Toni Toll at


Even if you’re not a member of the Cherry Capital Cycling Club you’re invited to ride with us and check us out! 

SheBikes Road/Hybrid Ride Series

SheBikes Mountain Bike Series

 Website issues? Please contact the Website Director.